Find out about some of the upcoming features that I have planned.
In Progress - Keywords
Assign and edit keywords on images stored in the Finder. Apple does not allow App Store apps to read or write keywords to the Photo library (!)
iCloud Drive
Store your images in iCloud Drive instead of Photos. Sync your edits, ratings, and flags across all your devices.
AI-based Noise Reduction
Remove noise using state of the art AI.
AI-based Retouching
Erase objects with a new Retouch tool using state of the art AI.
Crop: DONE! Version 2024.10
Greatly improved Crop and Straighten.
Remove haze from your images.
Grain and Noise
Add film grain or noise to images.
Second Display
Put the viewer on a separate display from the thumbnails (Mac and iPad).
Import images directly into the file system or photo library.
Single Photo Editing: DONE! Version 2024.10
Open individual files for editing, not just folders.
Portrait Enhancement
Teeth whitening, skin smoothing, eye brightening and more.
Places and Geotagging
Advanced geotagging and location features.
Acclerate your workflow with Nitro-based shortcuts.
Live Photo Editing
Edit both the image and video parts of a Live Photo.
Video Editing
Edit videos using Nitro's powerful tools.
Improved Masking
Easier to use Masking interface.
Secret Stuff
I can't tell you everything :-) but there's a lot more...
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